Friday, May 7, 2010

QuickFire Flickr App using JavaFX

JavaFX has really outperformed its competitors Flash and SilverLight in terms of ease of use and browser compatibilities.

Well RIA seems to satisfy the most obvious requirements of a family person !
Sounds strange ? .. Huhhh !

Java is my bread n butter .. ! So when my home manager challenged me - can't your Java or any of its cousin (who else than javaFX :-) .. fetch required categories of photos from our scattered flickr accounts and allow me roll over in my blog site !!

So already under a tight schedule for my official project .. Both JavaFx and Flickr API allowed me create my first Flicr App in less than 2 hours ..

I had chosen - as the starting point.

And the most interesting part was - correctly invoking the Flickr REST API -

I found that - following API Call is a good start for a beginner like me !
location: ""
"&api_key={apiKey}&user_id={userid}"; // -- working for public photos

Well after you get the API Key by visiting the site -

try out the API Explorer - - and find your User Id and all different types of URLs based on your query parameters.

If you want to access private photos then you have to follow the laborious process of setting up authentication -

.. I shall place the code that I got my hand dirty with .. very soon ..

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