Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fun with GWT and Google Fusion Table

Google always strives to make things Simpler to develop and Easier to use ! 

GWT benefited tremendously from the advancement of App Engine ! 
Its also blessed by SpringSource which directly integrates into APP Engine through the ground-breaking Spring ROO. So this means less steps to follow and less boiler-plate code to write! save time by avoiding infrastructure-setup 

It was always simpler to create - say modular, reusable client-side cache, pagination table, model-ui binding API bypassing monolithic javascript libraries ! So easy it is to leverage Spring4GWT 'servlet'-less server side coding and leverage Hibernate-validation ! 

Actually it saved months of work in couple of projects ! 

How about scalability and performance ? Its a good time to adopt Ext GWT !
http://www.sencha.com/products/extgwt/examples/ - lightning-fast traversal of millions of records !

How to architect high-performance gwt - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USlUYkBHiHA

Test the speed of GWT in Chrome -  http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/speedtracer/

Some of the links related to GWT.


Well ! GWT is for Java Geeks !  How'bout common masses who just owns diverse set of data - ranging from    - geographical info, traffic data, weather info, chemical properties, physics measurement data, population info - Hey we just want to visualize our data  - we hardly care about building an App !!

Here comes Google Fusion Table - it will load your data into Cloud (read Fusion Tables) and display/ report in Visualizer UI. 

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